Access Bars

What if you could change the probabilities of future possibilities ?

Have you ever found yourself reacting to the smallest of things? 

Or maybe you can’t seem to shut off your mind no matter what you try? Feeling stressed, tired, anxious, or worried?

What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave or meditate for hours? What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about? There is!

Access Bars

Access Bars is a light touch technique on the head that has similar effects to meditation. A 30 to 45- minute session of Access Bars provides deep relaxation, which can increase performance optimization, positive attitudes towards life and creativity, and prevent burnouts.

Access Bars quiets a racing mind, reduces stress and gives the brain a replenishing space. This space encourages creativity, increased productivity and the ability to harness one’s intuition and attention.

EEG results as measured by Neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin

Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin reviews what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session with Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, creators of Access Consciousness.

The Research

Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD, DNM, has been researching Access Bars for over 12 years and has discovered incredible results on how Access Bars change stress. Her research shows that an Access Bars session reduces stress levels and changes brainwave patterns from highly stressed to more relaxed. Activation in specific brainwave patterns suggests that regeneration occurs and the client’s body, mental well-being, and cognition improve – in only 45 minutes.

Articles: The Effects of Access Bars on Anxiety, Depression and Stress in Police Officers.

Some of the areas where Access Bars can be used:

  • Stress reduction, anxiety, depression
  • Gifting your body more ease & joy
  • Sleep better & wake up feeling refreshed & full of energy
  • For children before tests and exams
  • For pregnant women
  • For deep relaxation