Access Bars

The starting point of a great adventure!

A one day class to get you to access your local Bars to get the best and the cheapest alcohol in your city with trained certified Facilitators!!! What better way to be joyful but to get just that right liquor and drink your blues away!!! How does it get any better than this??

Hehe... unfortunately it does get better!! What if there was a better way to deal with your issues than to drink them away? What if you dealt with them in a way which ensures that they don’t ever come back? What if you dealt with them in a way that wasn’t abusive to you or to your body or your loved ones? What if there was a genuine possibility of changing whatever it is you truly wanted to change? And what if that process of change was truly joyful and nurturing?

Access Bars

Imagine ONE process that starts opening up greater possibilities in ALL areas of your life be it with your body, your career, your relationships, your money.. everything! Imagine your life expanding exponentially everyday.. this is what the Bars do!

The Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.

EEG results as measured by Neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin

Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin reviews what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session with Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, creators of Access Consciousness.

The Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars”. The Bars store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. For example; every thought you have ever had about money that you considered important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called “money”.

There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money; 32 different ones in all. Each Bar corresponds with that aspect or area of your life that it is named.

Touch one Bar and you begin to clear away the energy locked up in that area or aspect of your life just by touching it and voila.. every aspect of your life starts opening up!!

Some of the areas where Access Bars can be used:

  • Stress reduction/clearing mind chatter
  • Gifting your body more ease & joy
  • Sleep better & wake up feeling refreshed & full of energy
  • For children before tests and exams
  • For pregnant women
  • For deep relaxation


Articles: Frequently asked questions