What if there was a gift in being laid off ? Access Bars, Access Consciousness, Blog, Drum Circles, Rhythm and Earth, Spoken Word, Story Telling December 3, 2020 / Khushboo Shah A couple of years ago , a friend came in distraught from being fired from his job . Now no matter what situation it is , even if it’s part of the “corporate” world , I know the Universe has you back (and this I say at a serious risk of sounding philosophical) . But no, really ! The sooner you get this , know this in your bones, the faster you’ll adapt and mutate to every change . And happier you’ll be ! So getting back to the distraught friend ! I asked him a few questions : 1) Did you really see yourself growing with the job you had ? Answer : No, not really 2) Have you acknowledged you’ve been asking for more ? Answer : oops no ! 3) Is this the change you’ve been asking for showing up differently ? Answer : Big YES ! Cool awesome ! Now we know that this isn’t a problem ! I asked him to stay with a few questions: 1) What do I really desire to create ? 2) What would I like my life to be like in the next 5 years , 10 years , 30 years ? 3) What action can I take to bring everything I desire into actualisation? And 3 years down the line ! He has his own venture (and you may have a new job or something else) . He’s happier ! He’s growing and he’s making more money ! So what’s the gift in being laid off ?