Yes! this is where we make you drowsy by making you watch an oscillating pendulum and then.. in a deep voice command.. “YOU ARE FEELING SLEEPY... SLEEPPPYYY”.. repeat it a few times over and then... just when you’re about to fall face down.. we make you “cluck like a chicken” in front of hundreds of people!!
Hehe... well we wish that is what hypnosis was! :P
But NO! Contrary to popular belief, Hypnosis is only a state of Altered Awareness in which access is available to the subconscious mind. It is a state of deep relaxation which allows us to then tap into our own subconscious beliefs which may be limiting us and can ONLY be accessed if WE CHOOSE to and give ourselves permission to!
The sub-conscious mind is where all our limiting beliefs are stored. If we find ourselves in repeated limiting patterns, be it with our bodies, relationships, money, careers, chances are there is a limiting point of view hidden somewhere in our subconscious that we cannot access. Through hypnosis we gain access to it, so that we can change any and every situation we’d like to.
Hypnosis thus, can be adapted for individual and group therapy.
Some of the many issues hypnosis can help deal with: