Rhythm & Earth

The Earth has a thrum... Are you listening ?

Rhythm and Earth is an amalgamation of Dr. Khushboo's experience and sheer joy with drumming (West African) , facilitating consciousness and love for our beautiful planet.

What is Rhythm and Earth?

When you Beat with the planet, it heals you, your body and also the Planet. Our joy, our laughter (NOT THINKING ) heals us and the planet. Rhythm and Earth is offered as a 2 hour immersive introduction by our team of facilitators worldwide .

Would you like to join the Rhythm & Earth team ?

We also offer a 2.5 days of intensive but fun training to become a Beginner's Rhythm & Earth facilitator.

Benefits of becoming a Rhythm & Earth Beginner Facilitator :

  • Learning how to engage with the Earth through Rhythm.
  • Learning Leadership Skills.
  • Learning a New Instrument.
  • Stress Buster.
  • Learning to facilitate a healing but engaging activity for various groups.
  • An additional skill set for special educators, artists, psychologists and healers.
  • A new revenue stream.