What if change isn’t bad? Uncategorized December 3, 2020 / Khushboo Shah I’ve realised something ! I’ve been writing about how to handle change , whether it’s covid , being laid off as a result, or if it’s dealing with failure . Now I make surfing this change sound very easy . And it is , for me . It is easy for me now , since I’ve spent over 6 years , really becoming present with all that I’ve been “stuck” with from my past. A lot of our reactions to presently changing situations , is based on a past reference point of dealing with it. Were you empowered as a child to deal with change , or have you only seen and learnt a very non-constructive way of dealing with change ? Imagine if you were given tools then that empowered you . How easy would it be for you now ? So if I were to distill it down to two major reasons why change is easy, in fact even exciting for me now , they would be : 1. All the charge that I got stuck with when things changed , has pretty much completely dissipated . This makes me more present with every situation . And this makes more choices available for me , where other find themselves stuck . 2. I have tools now that make choosing something different and creating a greater future easier ! So join me , Dr. Khushboo Shah and Janki Vyas for a deeply clearing and empowering session . Are you willing to create a future greater than ever before ? What if you could truly Surf the change , any change ?